The patient experience

The patient experience

The stories we want to share now will talk about people who faced illness, fought for better health, and love. Here is a piece of writing that a dear friend and patient once virtuously shared with me, and now it is woven into the intricate fabric of

“This is how I began to think of everything that was happening to me as an opportunity to learn something new. Slowness, for example. When we are well, we rush around, often chasing after urgencies and forgetting what is truly important. When we are forced to stop, we learn to give time its proper value, without wasting it.

Then, I rediscovered gratitude—for every gesture, every smile, every thought that helped me feel accompanied and supported, and never, I repeat, never alone. Being part of a team where everyone has to do their part helps lighten the burden on one’s shoulders. From this gratitude, solidarity emerged: as I went around hospitals, I met volunteers from different associations who were helping in countless ways those in need. Volunteers who did their part without getting caught up in the vicious cycle of assigning blame: if something needs to be done, and you realize it can be done, you just do it. Afterwards, maybe, you can get upset because those with institutional responsibility didn’t do it.

Seeing these people work with generous dedication, I decided to do the same without waiting to recover. And I learned that the joy you feel when giving is truly a thousand times greater than the joy you feel when receiving.”
