
“Under ‘normal’ circumstances, you have time to plan everything: you choose the destination, you go to a travel agency, you gather information about the route and the most convenient means of transport; you book hotels and make a note of interesting places to visit… You plan a trip and look forward to it: you want to leave to discover new places, meet new people, try new foods, experience new cultures. The journey is your dream come true: first, you create it in your mind, then you live it in re
Per molto tempo ho avuto mal di testa e capogiri. Il mio medico di base continuava a dire che fosse colpa della cervicale, e così sono andata avanti per anni, convivendo con questi sintomi. I giramenti di testa e la sensazione di instabilità erano continui, al punto che finivo spesso per cadere. A un certo punto ho deciso di fare una risonanza magnetica, e il risultato è stato così preoccupante che il medico mi ha mandato subito al pronto soccorso di Trento. Ed è lì che tutto è cominciato. Il n
The stories we want to share now will talk about people who faced illness, fought for better health, and love. Here is a piece of writing that a dear friend and patient once virtuously shared with me, and now it is woven into the intricate fabric of “This is how I began to think of everything that was happening to me as an opportunity to learn something new. Slowness, for example. When we are well, we rush around, often chasing after urgencies and forgetting what is truly import
"My first motorcycle accident dates back to 2020, a year already complicated by the COVID-19 pandemic. With two small children at home, including a newborn just two months old, dealing with the aftermath of the accident was a challenge. I stayed in the hospital for more than a month and a half due to a displaced open fracture after a car failed to yield and hit my right leg directly, damaging my tibia and fibula. After an emergency surgery, I had a long recovery ahead with an external stabilize
QHSE Manager Secondary Acute Myeloid Leukemia Corsico (MI), Italy (Ospedale Humanitas Rozzano) “After the birth of my son in 2015, watching him grow up, I realized that a parent's touch or hug is priceless and timeless. When my son started playing rugby, I became passionate about it too, and it soon became my favorite sport. However, after a few years in Milan, work took me far from home for a temporary assignment in Latin America, spending over 18 months between Brazil, Mexico, and Chile. I le
Athlete and university student Patellar chondropathy Ruptured anterior cruciate ligament Milan, Italy (Istituto Clinico Villa Aprica) “What a change it has been to move to Milan. From an academic perspective, when I think about it, it’s like when we finish high school, and with it, a certain way of being young ends too. School is a bit like this World Cup, and once that cycle is over, we feel invincible, just like the Moroccan national team did before playing against the French national team tw
Owner of a concept store, photographer, and former corporate manager Burnout syndrome Milan, Italy "Stamberga is the result of my 'burnout.' Between home and the hospital, I spent more than four months battling what I thought was wrong in my head: a monster, I called it, which was the fear of how my life would change after everything that happened to me. I lost my father unexpectedly, and it quickly became one of the darkest periods of my life. I considered my father one of those superhumans. H
Social health worker (OSS) Orphaned in late childhood due to a car accident Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) La Paz, Bolivia "My mother and father had a car accident when I was eight years old. My two older brothers were also involved. My life was never the same after that event that took the lives of every single member of my family. From that day on, I lived with my aunt throughout my youth. She cared for me as if I were her daughter. My aunt was a very strict woman, educationally speaki
Retired Localized osteoarthritis in the knee Milan, Italy (Humanitas San Pio X Hospital) "Don't you know Mondovì? It's near Cuneo. It's the city with the most beautiful ancient village in Piedmont. They built the funicular there in the '80s."
Loving father Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Milan, Italy "I lived a superficial life. And what it has given me over the years is deservedly the consequence of all that, and I am aware of it. I haven't spoken to my mother for more than ten years. She never accepted the life choices I made, such as not continuing my university studies near home, where I was born and raised in the heart of Naples. I miss my city a lot, much more than I miss my mother at the moment. The tattoo of the relic of the bl
Teacher and Writer Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Belluno and Treviso, Italy (Santa Maria del Prato Hospital and Ca’ Foncello Hospital) "Under 'normal' conditions, you have time to plan everything: you choose the destination, contact an agency, gather information about the route and the most convenient means of transport; you book hotels and jot down interesting places to visit... You plan a trip and look forward to it eagerly: you want to travel to discover new places, new people, new foods, new culture
Student and practitioner of ADD (Art Du Déplacement) Follicular thyroid adenoma Rome, Italy (Agostino Gemelli Polyclinic) "In the summer of 2021, I broke free from this short-lived yet increasingly unpleasant situation. I met amazing people ready to help me regain the health that seemed so distant. Among all these people is also my boyfriend, with whom I have shared, to date, ten years of my life. After moving to Milan to start a master's degree in editorial translation, I embraced the opportun